msvcp140.dll is missing means this file was not found on your system and has been deleted from your Windows system, this usually happens when you uninstall any software or games from your Windows system, while uninstalling their installed files this uninstall program accidentally also deletes msvcp140.dll file.
msvcp140.dll is a part and official file of the Microsoft Windows 7/8.1/10/11 system, many other programs use this while to run their program on Windows.
Super Easy Solution to Fix this Issue:
Step 1: Just go to this link: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Download
Step 2:
Select your Language & click Download.
Step 3:
Select vc_redist.x64.exe if you are running a 64-bit system.
Select vc_redist.x86.exe if you are running a 32-bit system.
and then click the Download button to save the file.
Step 4:
Open the download file click I agree and then click the Install button to start the Installation.
This installation will install the latest version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable which contains the latest version of “msvcp140.dll” official Microsoft file.
Step 5:
After the installation is finished just Restart your Windows system your problem will be solved.
Hope this easy fix guide has fixed your msvcp140.dll was not found problem.